The Field
Masters, Born or Made?
Top Shots
A new shoot plan for decadent peasants
Birds of the month
Kites, starlings, owls
The Barons way
Horses in our lives
Stag Hunting
Enoch Powell: Fallacy about the next Arch Bishop
Fair Play for the Shetland pony
The honest British pig
The amateur naturalists, extinct or not?
Women’s institutes, why the storm?
Chelsea flower show, What’s the magic?
The Duchess of Devonshire explains
Men at Arms
The good life: a catalogue of pleasures
Grouse, partridge, trout, salmon, hunting, woodlands, sailing, holidays
Who Goes There?
A Duke, an Earl, two Barons explain their welcome
Sanity in Racing
Up with the Jockey Club, down with the stirrups
What’s to be done?
Who will control Scottish estate?
Whipping in their Lordships stops rioting in house of Lordship
Young riders at Badminton
Why the financial hurdles are fare steeper than those at the park
Camel Wrestling
The Turkish national championship at Ephersus
Shooting Parties
The best of family days
Lunches for cold guns
Norfolk Partridges
In pursuit of excellence
A beginner who rides for Britain
Shooting now we sum up the issues
Land; to have and hold
The drying out of England
The great mistake about rainforsests
Carol Thatcher on Wimbledon manners
Leaders of the pack
Young masters taking the reins
All fowled up?
Telling Truths
Gypsy Palm-Readers
Who should own the Highlands?
In search of sporting life at the borders
Behind Closed Doors
Private lives in National Trust Houses
Animal rights and animal wrongs;
Who stands where?
Saints preserve us!
Fighting for English culture, from porkers to the prayerbook
What drives the R.S.P.B., science or sentiment?
How can country houses survive Labour?
Dark Forests
A bright future for timber, people and British wildlife.
Sport in Russia, Mexico, The Bahamas and Turkestan.
Spring lambing with the professionals.
How to talk to the animals
No hushed puppies, the true basset hound
Life as a shooting wife
Pedigree dogs, A sorry tale
Making the new year’s honours.
The best shoots in Britain
Hens that rule the roost.
Why the Greens need field sports
Why do Irish gundogs excel
Small dogs with brave hearts
How to acquire immortality
Hooked! Why women are great fishermen
Can game shoots survive steelshot?
Frederick Forsyth, his sporting life.
Boom year for grouse?
Wild ponies in danger
The end of “Born Free”
The Crown and it’s wealth
Art and the chase
The King’s peg: When “George V shot here”
Tackling Badminton
Royal racing pigeons
The poacher’s who’s who
Farming with robots
Wild in the country
British wolves bears – and mice
Owning a village
Time to let our salmon go?
The loneliest jobs in the land
The crack of Dublin horse show
Rough stuff: Where to find farmhouse cider
Finding a cure for the grouse moor ills
People like polo
Too many dark forests says the Prince of Wales
Too many deer and sheep say landowners
Patterns of tweed, the cloth and the river
No more bull at the agricultural show
The other cuckoos
Gardening with goats
Better bred than dead
Farming our rare breeds for profit
Bullish breeds
Fighting clan chiefs
Britains best gunmakers
Bad dogs and Englishmen
The worst gundogs – and their owners
Hanging on for the heir
Planting an apple orchard
The formidable hunt countries
Golden fleeces
Finding a money spinner in farming for fashion
How many lambs will be killed by foxes this spring?
Cutting a dash
The great leap forward in side saddle style
Time to control birds of prey?
Out in India
Hill tigers and plains polo
Serving queen and country
Wild trout and hard cash
Irish number
Gillaroo Sonaghan Ferox
Fishing, ‘fowling and whiskey in a jar
Wild swans, spirits of winter
Giant fish and fancy pheasants
Hammer action
Why it’s smart to buy sport at auction
Parrot passion
A bright future for our otters
The sporting clergy
Bagpipes and stiff whiskies
Shipwrecks and superstitions
On the trail of the woodcock
Military art for collectors
Keeping and breeding ducks
Highland ponies back on the hill
Sir Dennis Thatcher, the last of the baronets?
Dovecotes in the grand manor
The wild white cattle of Britains
The red squirrel bites back
English partridges, Welsh hounds, Irish sporting
The new strain of high pheasants
Picnics for the season
When Britannia ruled Cowes
Owning a racehorse
Village polo
Parisian antiques
Grouse to let
Fighting Tanzania’s big game poaching
The rise and fall of the English Elm
Lady Victoria’s transformation of the Cecil’s treasure house
Seeking perfection in horse and horsemanship
The medieval siege – machine
Once it spread plague, now it hurls pianos
Is racing too safe?
Have the guts gone out of the Grand National?
Eastern Europe
Tolstoy on hunting
Russian salmon fishing, Polish wild boar, Hungarian pheasants, Prague property
Burgundy buckhounds
Blessed is the meet on the Feast of St Hubert
Roaring Emma
Bacca Jack, Old Joe and other famous guns
Blonde, raven or Brunette – Which labrador’s the best
The ten deadly sinners
Probably the worst terriers in the world
Highland lodges for less
Who will bag the great Macnab?
Hunting the man eating crocodile
Partridges, Christmas trees, hauntings, feasts
Is the National Trust wasting money
England’s battlefields
Buying an island
High birds from the flat land
Why songbirds need shooting estates
Yorkshire’s top rat hunt
Friends or foes?
The truth about our wildlife
Time for a game marketing board
How the foxhound was saved
Ivory: a final solution
The great sea-trout riddle
A stormy future for Britain’s weather?
Scotland’ s plague, the grey goose?
Pro Europe: Our field sport allies
How to earn a fortune in the country
Duelling, an honourable and deadly affair
Thrusters, those who ride hard to hounds
Frostbite and red tape: The perils of exploration
Bird watching safaris in Africa
Cocks that rule the roost
Cavalry exercises
Tent pegging, sword and pistol
Fine foreign guns
An assessment of the better guns from Europe
Dogging the moors
Of caviar and kings
When royal sturgeon swam the Thames
A bird on a gloved fist
Unhood a falcon and a terrible beauty is born
Plantation life in the East African highlands
Save our native dogs
How Lady Amherst got her bird
The MPs we must vote out
The great carrot conspiracy
Wild islands of dreams
Who owns them, how to buy one
Balmoral’s stalking ponies
Can grouse survive raptors?
Secret sport on the Isle
Spending Christmas at sea